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Les voies d'accès au mont Royal (Camillien-Houde / Remembrance)

Commentaires en ligne - English

  1. Kenneth Wolfe
    I am 75 years old . I have used the Mountain park all my life. I have never had a problem parking whether during the week or on the weekend. I have family buried in Mount Royal and Rememberance Road is the best access for me to visit my family. Pleaseopen the Road the way it has been for years
  2. Simon Fanning
    We need that thoroughfare across the city. There are many intersections that are far more dangerous. The municipal government is using one high-profile accident to justify this move. Do more to prevent U-turns and protect cyclists--use Coderre's concrete blocks from the Formula E. I didn't go to the East side of the mountain while the road was closed. I go regularly when it is open.
  3. Barry Winikoff
    The road is NOT a park road, it delineates the parking lots of the park from the cemetery and thus is a thoroughfare, and should remain as such Year round.
    Cyclists using this route ought to adhere to the rules of the road stick to the right in single file on the western side and use the well marked and maintained shoulder on the eastern side, whilst adhering to speed limits on their way down.
    As for u-turns - put up a low fence, cheap and effective
  4. Agostino Mazzone
  5. Nicholas Ricci
    I disagree with closing the road all together because I believe you are just moving the problem somewhere else while at the same time discouraging hundreds of people from going to the mountain. Many people have no choice but to travel by vehicle and those people are no longer being given the right to view the mountain. I do believe there are better options to consider instead of closing the road all together. If the mountain truly is for everyone than I think everyone should be given access to it in which ever way they chose.
  6. Ella Amir
    Road should be open to car traffic; safety should be secured by other means (dividers, signs, etc.).
  7. Jeff Silver
    Please leave the road as it originally was with access to all modes of transportation. The mountain is there for all of us to enjoy and we should be able to enjoy it as we have for many years. The temporary block for cars made accessing different parts of the mountain difficult by car and spoiled mich of the enjoyment that we previously go by not being able to get to the Maison smith parking lot from the beaver lake side.
  8. Lisa Reitman
    It is impossible to take my children to school from Westmount to Outremont in a fast and “traffic-free” manner. The mountain road should remain open at least throughout the school year to facilitate access.
  9. Denis D’ambroise
    To shut this road down when we have the traffic and construction mess that we have is beyond accptable. This unilateral approach by the mayor and her team is Trump like. This for me is the reason i will never vote for the mayor and her party again. Her approach is autocratic and beyond acceptable.
  10. Raphaelle Bielot
    Nous notre parc
    Et notre route ! C etait plus pratique avant !
  11. Raphaelle Bielot
    Nous notre parc
    Et notre route ! C etait plus pratique avant !
  12. arthur fowler
    I would very much prefer that the access over the mountain by car be maintained as in the past.
  13. Chun Zhang
    I'm a supporter of Projet Montreal and the pilot project... but I feel it was a huge strategic mistake for the mayor and her team to push this extremely controversial project at the expense of the rest of their progressive agenda. There is no way now that PM will be re-elected. You could have made a hundred more important changes that were less on the radar... now you won't get the chance (IE after the current mandate ends). Not very smart- even if you win this battle you'll lose the war to bring a truly progressive agenda to Montreal, and that's a shame.

    For this project, here are my thoughts:
    -Yes to stopping cars crossing the mountain, as long as there is a way to access both parking lots from either side. Seniors and large families need to be able to park at either lot (especially in the winter, carrying skis etc.) No increase in parking (since as you point out, the lots are empty during the week).
    -A barrier all the way up to prevent U-Turns. People are still doing them! Signage in French and English (there are a lot of tourists!)
    -There should be an INCREASE in access to the mountain for all, but not through cars. Perhaps bring back the funicular, or more realistically the shuttle you mention (electric buses from either mountain base)...some other way to get people to the top quickly and cheaply- easier said than done of course!

    And finally, separate but related (this is not strictly about Camilien-Houde): ALLOW mountain-biking on certain clearly-marked paths! Contrary to what Les Amis says, mountain bikers do not in any way harm the mountain- they stay on paths (it's the only way to mountain bike.) By having clearly marked, regulated routes, we would protect the mountain, increase access and bring in visitors.

    Good luck!
  14. Nadia Niro
    Do not close this road. It offers key access to those going across town and it’s was not used in the manner planned or anticipated this summer. Caused more traffic and challenges to our already ridiculous road infrastructure and congestion.

    I think this is a ridiculous project and useless. I am completely against it. Born and bread Montréaler speaking out.
  15. Bill Freeland
    I can see no through traffic on weekends. Personally I use the mountain as a driver for Santropol Roulant when I deliver to either Cote des Neiges area or even Notre Dame de Grace
  16. Patricia Reid
    I believe that the Mountain should remain closed to through traffic. Parking lots at the base of the mountain with a shuttle service up would be great.

    The fewer cars in a park the better.
  17. Vince Travaglini
    Under what conditions would you consider it acceptable to allow through-traffic on the mountain? Always. We should not ban cars ever. There are so many alternative wags to control automobile traffic.

    Under what conditions would you consider it acceptable to ban through-traffic on the mountain? Never. , once again to allow the very few superior cyclists to use the mountain for themselves is not a reason to ban automobiles.

  18. Arlene Bloomfield
    The tragic accident that caused the gut reaction of this city to close access to Remembrance Road is little more than a knee-jerk reaction. It was not clearly thought out and was a reaction taken by the car-phobic mayor and her party. The best way to ensure biker's safety would be to erect permanent barriers on each side of the roadway, thus creating a designated bike lane which would prevent bikes from venturing into the traffic, while also allowing people who need to cross the mountain by car, whether they are commuters or visitors, the ability to do so. There should be emergency access turn-outs as there are now.
  19. Susan Szalpeter
    I would like to keep the Camillien-House Way/Remembrance Road open to cars at all times in both directions.
  20. Darrell rex
    The road should be kept open from east to west. Change speed for cars And cyclists to 20 km. an hour.
  21. Darrell rex
    The road should be kept open from east to west. Change speed for cars And cyclists to 20 km. an hour.
  22. Louise Condy
    Please leave this open to traffic. It makes no sense to me to close car access to the mountain. Add a bike path and make cyclists PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPEED LIMIT!
  23. Evy Ludvig
    I believe that the road should continue to be open year round to cars, bycicles and pedestrians. By making it bycicle only, the mountain becomes a place for elites and young athletes. Seniors such as myself with limited mobility and young families would lose access. We should however ensure protected lanes for both bikers and pedestrians. We must listen to our citizens and not just councillors with their own agendas.
  24. Robert Sugar
    It is my opinion that Canillion Houde should remain open to cars throughout the year. It is an integral access to the city’s iconic Mount Royal. It should be as easily accessible as possible to all. As for the cyclists, a barrier can be built to prevent cars from veering into the bike lanes on either side.
  25. michael toulch
    Camilien Houde/Remembrance Way should be kept open to cars and buses traversing Montreal. It is not difficult to install speed limits/photo radar and other safety measures. This mountain road belongs to all Montrealers and having one of the most scenic urban roads which allows for cross town access, much like roads which traverse Central Park in NYC, is a necessity. There is absolutely no reason this road can't be kept open, with adequate safety measures. There are plenty of more dangerous situations in the city which don't get dealt with. Keep the road open to all, and not only for high performance athletes on multi-thousand dollar bikes. We are not all tour-de-france all-weather athletes. Through-traffic is difficult enough in Montreal without adding further measures to impede vehicle access to all corners of our amazing city.