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Avenir de Griffintown

Commentaires en ligne - English

  1. Catherine H.
    What do you think neighborhood life should be like in Griffintown? (Theme 4) What do you think makes a successful mixed-use neighborhood? (Theme 2)

    I'd like the OCPM to consider that there is a need for more services for the community:

    -Education: a new elementary school as soon as possible (perhaps with a focus on science, AI, robotics, given its proximity to ÉTS)

    -Childcare: CPE, summer camp (perhaps it can use the elementary school in the summertime)

    -Health: CLSC, CHSLD

    -Culture: a cultural center with extracurricular activities for kids/adults, i.e. ballet, arts/crafts, music lessons, etc. and a gathering space for the community (i.e. to see a play, an art exhibit, live music, puppet show for kids, etc.)

    -Sports : tennis courts (with classes for kids/adults), for example.

    -Special events in the summer: Open-air cinema, open-air theatre/stage (i.e. Théâtre de Verdure)

    Thank you for your time and consideration.
  2. Jeremy Segal
    -There should be a Maison de la Culture in Griffintown.

    -The Galerie dog park needs to be better taken care of. More light, rethinking of the ground which is prone to dangerous holes and mud, and there should be more structures preventing the space from becoming a free-for-all wide-open space. Peppering the space with dog-agility or other structures will help to prevent pack-mentality wild chasing over large areas, and avoid injuries. Parc Pilote has this and it seems to help a lot.

    -The bike-path on Ottawa in from of the Bass 2-3 building makes no sense. As a one-way street with only one lane, it is impossible for anyone to drop-off/pick-up/park temporarily without blocking the road, driving into the bike lane, or parking over the other borders of the building. The bike lane should be on the sidewalk and the current area designated as the bike lane should be slightly widened and designated as a stopping zone.

    -I believe building height should remain low

    -I would propose investing more in spaces that add to the cultural/culinary/commercial life of Griffintown. For example the buildings on Ottawa/William/Barré between de la Montagne and Guy represent an excellent opportunity to build a public/cultural/commercial space near the future park.

    -I fully support the direction towards less cars in the neighbourhood but wonder if bus access can be increased to different areas of the city, and if there will be a bus that will go to the REM station.
    -The corner of Bassins and Seigneurs has a beautiful view onto a dead-end of the canal but isn't well-kept. If this area was renovated and a few benches were added it could be a great spot for picnicking or hanging out.
  3. Jeremy Segal
    I believe that maintaining a certain level of heritage building protection is important so that Griffintown maintains its unique character and doesn't eventually just become a faceless extension of the downtown core, in a sea of high-rises. This is not to say that heritage buildings can't be modified or built upon. The building at St Ann Apartments around Ottawa & Eleanor, or the building at Wellington & De la Montagne are good examples.

    In a similar vein, I believe that a generalized increase to building heights will only serve to have Griffintown lose its unique character and inevitably be assimilated into the downtown core. I believe that allowing certain projects to increase their heights (within a reasonable relative scale) in order to allow for more unique facades and better viewing angles from street level (as described in the June presentation) is acceptable, but only if these exceptions are applied with precise strategic planning and assessments in relation to Griffintown as a whole.

  4. Alice A.
    Plus de parcs ou sont autorisés les chiens
    Plus de cafés et de petits restaurants entre des seigneurs et griffintown
  5. Guillaume Gagné
    The Gallery dog park should be completely overhauled. It's in really bad shape and lacks agility related amenities. It should at least be as good as Parc Pilote in the Old Montreal.
  6. Jeremy Segal
    Thé gallérie dog park needs more shaded areas.
  7. Maude Godard
    J’aimerais vraiment que les parcs soient améliorés à Griffintown. Le parc Olier ressemble présentement à un terrain vague. Je pense que le sol devrait être recouvert, des arbres et plantes plantés, quelques bancs pourraient être installés. Quelques parcours pour les chiens pourraient être ajoutés. Le parc Ann a beaucoup de potentiel aussi. Plusieurs bancs et tables à pique-nique pourraient être ajoutés, ainsi qu’une fontaine d’eau au centre. Le parc du bassin à gravier pourrait quant à lui bonifier ses modules pour les enfants et ajouter des jeux d’eau. Il manque d’espaces verts pour les familles.
  8. Amanda Wheatley
    J'aimerais qu'il y ait plus d'espaces publics à Griffintown qui ne soient pas réservés aux entreprises privées. Je crois que nous avons besoin d'une bibliothèque publique, car avec l'augmentation rapide de la population, le quartier bénéficierait grandement d'une bibliothèque ou d'un place public.

    Les espaces verts sont importants et devraient être à la fois préservés et créés dans Griffintown. Bien que le quartier soit praticable à pied, la construction l'a rendu difficile à parcourir et la poussière et le gravier dans l'air sont nocifs pour la santé des personnes. L'amélioration de la qualité de l'air dans le quartier doit être une priorité, et les espaces verts ne peuvent qu'améliorer la qualité de l'air. Je suis préoccupé par le manque d'arbres plantés dans les rues rénovées.
  9. Mrs Sarah
    I would love to see the dog parks improved in Griffintown. Larger, with more lighting for at night, and leveled.

    The space beside Charlotte Condos (1616 Rue De Bassins) I was told was going to be a park, it would be great to see that come into fruition.
  10. LAMAR T
    Griffintown missed the mark. Its so rare to have so much available space in the centre of a metropolis. Rather than build architecturaily interesting buildings, we have cookie-cutter concrete/glass buildings that have no character... and why in 2023 are we still building condos with massive decorative pools. What a waste of space and water. All of these buildings enable residents to continue driving instead of walking, biking and using mass transit. Instead of selling parking, they should have encouraged residents who do not own 1 or 2 cars. Victoria and Vancouver already has buildings that are car-free. The streets are jammed pack during rush hours which makes it so dangerous as they all impatiently dry fast to leave or return to their underground garages. Its very dangerous to walk in Griffintown because of the amount of cars. Condo culture also encourages sight unseen attitudes when it comes to waste management. Griffintown is littered with plastic trash everywhere, discarded furniture/appliances and large electronics. All too often are dumped in incorrect bins like recycling or compost. Residents need to be educated on how to properly dispose of their waste. Since everyone has a car, all non-normal waste should be driven to the eco-centres for proper disposal. For example, The city should immediately stop accepting appliances in the trash. Priorities should be on traffic calming, greenery, education on waste management, and perhaps limiting vehicle spaces in new buildings.
  11. Evgeny Kirshin
    The density of the neighborhood is getting too high.
    It is incrementally difficult to find parking for visitors, delivery services, etc: the streets are being narrowed with the growing huge residential building.
    1. Please stop construction of high-rise buildings.
    2. Please expand roads and sidewalks at the cost of the area of new residential building (just build them smaller!).
    3. Please consider creating dedicated spaces for garbage with good access for garbage trucks: putting garbage on the streets close to pedestrian sidewalks and in front of the windows of residents (creating nasty smells) shall remain in the past.
  12. -dallas -wert
    good day
    suggestions regarding improving fluidity of traffic, the city has done well and can continue to have 15 minute parking in a designated area in front of new condo project as to allow delivery trucks to park, as well is it possible to have the new constructions have a drive through in front of their building so that cars can park for a 15 minute period .on the subject of mixed usage of buildings in the neighborhoods , this is a good idea for example a school can be used in the evening for community courses or sports , or the space could be rented out for conferences. also a Soccer field could be used by the children , once the School is confirmed. we see the children playing soccer in the parc du bassin a gravier .the last question is regarding the buildings height, the poor example of urban planning is the area wellington and peel. the buildings are massive and occupy 100percent of the ground space , as mentioned by the city that it is too heavy in appearance and does not bring anything to the community in terms of lifestyle. the better example the direction the city is taking is the area west of rue du seminaire , where some building height is 8 floors, with the addition of parcs , for example the passage des bassins and parc bassin a gravier is a beautiful area not to mention that the kids enjoy the space to play soccer, biking and running around as well as the families enjoying the parc, one example of an open area for a condo project is condo Arbora where they have inside garden space as well as the building is split up as to allow pedestrians to cross from one side to the other. this is enjoyable for the community to be able to enjoy strolling in the neighborhood. I would agree to increase building heights as to have more open spaces below either green space or areas to sit in like the corner of rue Desbardeurs and the cycling path of canal lachine. however the question is how many floors do you plan to increase I would think a few floors 2 or 3 not going back to 20 floors like wellington and peel sector. Another example of a beautiful area is notre Dame and Murray street where the ETS is located you have designed beautiful walkways with benches and a path way that splits up the building creating a feeling of open space where people can walk around and have a lunch on the benches. another street that is beautiful is Shannon street between ottawa and william but it has also a inside green space that makes it enjoyable to walk by. Iam looking forward to the addition of the two parcs that will be coming bassin a bois parc and the parc on rue st thomas. I think the city is improving and going in the right direction in questioning the development and making Griffintown a better place for all to be able to enjoy the outside spaces.