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Les voies d'accès au mont Royal (Camillien-Houde / Remembrance)

Commentaires en ligne - English

  1. Jeff Asch
    I believe the road should be kept open throughout the year for car traffic.
  2. Doug Bertoia
    Leave Camilien-Houde Way/Remembrance Road thoroughfare open for vehicle access year-round.
  3. Ralph Thompson
    Access for cars is so important, it took me 1.5 hrs to get from Westmount to the Plateau recently because of roads works on Penfield, a fire emergency on Sherbrooke and road works on St Catherine street. The solution is easy, just limit the speed to 30 kph, add a few zig zags and increase the speeding fines.
  4. Charles Cole
    I want open traffic to cars on the Camillien-Houde Way. It is essential that all Montrealers have access to their mountain, not just elite bicycle riders (i.e., super fit males who can bicycle up the steep incline).

    I want my political leaders to govern according to how we the citizens are, not as they think we should be.
  5. Maureen McAran
    I would like the through-traffic on Mount Royal to remain open all year long to cars.
    Je veux que les voies d'accès au mont Royal restent ouvertes pendant toute l'année.
  6. Caroline Woo
    Being a tax payer on the island, I believe I should be given the opportunity to visit the mountain by car to go to the cemetery, skating at Beaver Lake, take visiting family & friends to the lookout, unimpeded from West to East or vice versa, whenever I want. It is unrealistic that I do this using public transit (over an hour to get downtown) or by bike (too far).

    The mountain is for everyone not just for those extremely fit/elite cyclists. How do you expect our elders to visit the cemetery? By bike? Get real. By bus? Carrying all those flowers?

    Reduce the speed of vehicular traffic, install 'cement' barriers at certain sensitive spots to protect cyclists. There are ways to accommodate cars & cyclists. Education, awareness. Taking away rights or restrictions does not resolve the issue.

  7. Sylvia Kirstein
    Would very much appreciate the road being open ALL THE TIME for car travel. It is such a convenient way to access west/east and east/west. Thank you.
  8. Marion Buchanan
    I would like the entire road through the park to be open year round to cars.
  9. Charles Brandman
  10. Vidar Neuhof
    Unprecedented roadwork has produced unprecedented traffic on Montreal roads. To close an important access road such as Camillien-Houde under these circumstances is completely out of touch with the needs of its citizens. We need an administration that addresses the traffic problem and its environmental/social effects with realistic solutions. If cyclists need protection on said road put up concrete barriers. Easy. Realistic.
  11. Sarah Lowden
    As a young family who has lived in the Plateau for over 15 years and used the mountain for over 3 decades ourselves we found that our access to the mountain was complicated this year and therefor out visits less frequent. We are an urban family with young children who work locally and walk or bike for our daily commute to daycare and work. We use the mountain for running, walking, picnics and getting outside while in the city. Because I was pregnant this summer and not able to walk as much in the heat we opted to stay away from the mountain after too many experiences not being able to find parking. I feel that closing the through access to the mountain for young families is being viewed as less important then providing a training ground for a few elite athletes. How many parents have you seen peddling their way up CH with a baby seat on their bike.

    If the mountain is made to be safer for cyclist put a cement divider down the middle to prevent U-Turns. Pick a Sunday morning a month where it is completely closed to traffic from 7 -10 for all cyclist to access (take a look at what the Town of Wakefield does with the River road) But please, don't force us to load up in our car and drive outside of the city to be able to enjoy a little bit of nature close to home.

    From time to time we do use our car mainly for things like medical appointments mainly at St. Mary's hospital for the prenatal care. The time difference from our home in the plateau to the hospital taking the mountain versus the two other options, Mount Royal or Cote Saint Catherines is 10 minutes. 10 minutes makes a difference in an emergency but also, 10 minutes twice a day for someone who has to commute by car or transport an elderly patient is 100 more minutes a week that their car is polluting. We are not making Montreal greener by adding to the emissions by creating more traffic in an already traffic challenged city.

    Take the time to find a real solution to making the mountain safe and accessible.
  12. Raymond Menard
    I support maintaining through traffic to maximize use of mountain for all Montreal residents. Accessibility is a key factor.
    You can still many other desired objectives without eliminating through traffic.
    Thank you
  13. Monique Dykstra

    Put the park back the way it was before Valerie Plante got involved. No one but buff male cyclists use the park now - make it accessible to everyone again.

    The only change I would make is make the speed limit super slow - 30 kph - and put speed bumps all the way from Cotes des Neiges to Park ave. That will discourage people from using the road as a highway.

  14. Ann Williams
    Having both my parents' graves in Mount Royal Cemetery, we were unable to visit and tend to their graves during the road closure months as we have done for the last 48 years. We live in the west island and the drive is already long enough and difficult enough that we don't want to have to circumvent the mountain to gain access to the cemetery. This road closure was a disaster for us..

    Ann Williams
  15. Ruth Khazzam
    This mountain road is the pride and joy of Montrealers.
    It is wonderful to see groups of people enjoying picnics and having ease of access to this mountain road.
    The approach to the cemetery has now been made difficult and time consuming, especially given that MONTRÉAL is a construction zone.
  16. Lyndon Graham
    The road should remain open to car traffic at all times. The park belongs to all Montrealers not just cyclists. Whether the road is used for those visiting the cemetery or for some who use it as a short cut to shorten their journey should not matter, it should be there for all as it has historically been.
  17. Warren Steiner
    I am a medical professional who works at the Montreal General Hospital and at a health care establishment in the Plateau. When I get called for an acute medical issue with a patient, I have to get one from establishment to the other as quickly as possible.

    Using Camillien-Houde Way and Remembrance Road, it takes me 15 minutes to get across. This summer, taking the alternative route of Dr. Penfield/Sherbrooke/University, it took me 45 minutes.

    My other alternative route though Outremont took 30 minutes, but forced me to drive through quiet residential neighborhoods which I am sure was not welcomed by the residents.

    Keeping Camillien-Houde Way and Remembrance Road for cars to transit the mountain is important, but I understand that cyclists need to be protected. There is enough room for two car lanes with speed controlling measures and then a physical barrier to protect a bicycle lane as well.
    It was a dumb idea to close the mountain over one accident. If that were the rule nearly every street in Montreal would be closed. It made traffic on other streets more difficult and
    Norma could have caused other accidents on surrounding streets.
  19. M.J. McAran
    I would like the through-traffic on Mount Royal to remain open all year long to cars.
    Je veux que les voies d'accès au mont Royal restent ouvertes pendant toute l'année.
  20. Frances Katz
    I am opposed to the closure of through traffic on the mountain road. There are many people who cannot access the cemetery ,namely the elderly, unless they come by car. Also, large families would like to picnic and bring everything up to Beaver Lake.
    But, if the primary reason for the city to close access is safety for cyclists,I do not think closing access is the answer. I think the there are other measures that could be taken. Bike paths and reduced speeds would help.
    More people are turning to electric cars or hybrids which are less polluting than in the past.
    I have always enjoyed using the mountain road to access either Beaver lake or Smith House. I hope I can continue to access this road. Use measures such as enforcing speed limits and providing safer conditions for cyclists, most of which are competitive cyclist. The average cyclist cannot manage the hills of this road.
    I hope you will consider not closing this road which many Montrealer have enjoyed and want to continue to do so.
  21. Duane Borisov
    I am a Rosemere resident, but travel to Mtl often. I do use the mountain as a thorough fare, but do visit both the Mount-Royal and Notre Dame cemetaries . I also bring all my friends who are visiting Mtl on a tour of the city which includes going over the mountain. They love the scenic Camille Houde ride.
    I propose that the road be kept open to cars year round and that the city instead implement road safety strategies suggested by Les amis de la montagne which will allow pedestrians, cyclists and cars to co-exist on the mountain as they do all over the city.
  22. Marsha Lustigman
    It was most disappointing to take visitors to the mountain all spring and summer, and be unable to get to the lookout from anywhere in the western part of the city. Many of our visitors are seniors, and not able to walk the entire distance from Beaver Lake. This includes my 95 year old mother, who used to love just sitting in the car and driving over the mountain, with a stop a the lookout to see a view of Montreal’s eastern scenery. For many, this drive, from east to west and west to east, is more than a shortcut across the city - it is an iconic and scenic pathway reminding us of who we are and where we live - on an island at the foot of a beautiful wooded mountain park, accessible to all. By all I mean pedestrians and cyclists - building a safe bike lane is a far better plan than closing the mountain to the rest of us. If making the roads safer (the original rationale for the pilot project) is the plan, there are many other ways to do so than closing it to traffic.

    My husband and I are among those who use the mountain regularly - it is our park, our forest, our refuge. Please find ways to preserve it, yes, but do not make it inaccessible to us.
  23. Lesley Watson
    Allow cars to access the park road as in years past! A small number of young, mostly male cyclists should NOT have priority. The mountain and the cemetery must be accessible to everyone young and old.
    I am 72 years old and we live in Beaconsfield. Driving to the mountain and visiting the cemetery on weekends ( when traffic is lighter) in the nice weather was one of our favourite activities. It was too complicated and difficult this past summer to attempt thanks to the new restrictions.
    Please give me back my mountain and allow me to visit my family grave at the same time!
  24. Michele Desjardins
    Redonnez-nous accès à notre mntagne. Vous nous avez enlevé n important lien entre deux quartiers de notre ville pour le donner à quelques athlètes de grand calibre qui sont les seuls à povoir escalader la route en vélo. Si vous voulez les protéger, construisez une voie cyclable protégée come sur le boul. de Maisonneuve mais ne nous e levez pas cet important accès à la montagne en automobile.
  25. Anne Mcnicholl
    My preference is to return to the way it was... before the closures... people with mobility challenges are so limited