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Les voies d'accès au mont Royal (Camillien-Houde / Remembrance)

Commentaires en ligne - Paysage, patrimoine et attractivité

  1. Jonathan Lachapelle
    La meilleure façon de mettre en valeur ce lieu est de le respecter. Accroître la signalisation pour les piétons. Interdire la marche hors sentiers. Limitée le développement de tout autre aménagement. Gardons ce parc naturel svp!
  2. marnie macdonald
    pointless. It is just fine the way it is.
    'art' in the past has been exceptionally costly and exceptionally ugly.
    It is Nature.
    You could have local scuptors sculpt standing large tree stumps. That would be simple beautiful and not costly.
    I cannot believe those amazingly expensive 'stumps' from foreign material. Travesty!!!!
    Any are should be natural.

    A naturally made Labyrinth would be wonderful somewhere on flat ground. Many world cities have them. We are behind.
  3. Theresa Schlesak
    This would be an issue for me to vote out the mayor in the next election. I would like to continue to support Mayor Valerie Plante because I truly believe that she is genuine in her efforts to do her finest work for Montrealers. But in the case of restricting, or limiting car access to the mountain roads on both sides of Mt. Royal, is another case of “selfish incumbent power” being blind and deaf to the diverse users of the mountain. (Remember the recent demise of former Mayor Denis Coderre when he became deaf to the voices of Montrealers? History tends to repeat itself.) I am so shocked that I have lost the mountain that I grew up on since the initial closing of it on June 2, and now I have forgotten that it is there for me again since it’s reopening (for a short period?)

    This is a letter I had attempted to get published in the Gazette on this issue, it was not accepted for publication.

    “We hold dearly the many early happy memories living and growing up at the foot of Mount Royal; the park providing the idyllic venue of many exuberant Sunday outings for our prospering family. Those early years provided the strong foundation that we sustain today.” (Excerpt: Gazette Obituary in honour of my parents)

    Going through the black and white photos of my early childhood, there we would be: posing beside the lions and under the wings of the angel at the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Monument, sitting atop the barricade of the semi-circular plaza at Belvédère Kondiaronk, pulling on our ice skates at the outdoor rink at Fletcher’s Field, crouching down to feel the water at Beaver Lake. So much to look forward to for our Sunday outings on Mount Royal, after Mass and a roast chicken lunch; the six of us, my parents, my brother and I, and my father’s two unwed sisters.

    Today, I haven’t visited the mountain since June 2, the day the through traffic over the mountain was banned as a pilot project by Ville de Montréal, as a measure to protect it.
    Mayor Valérie Plante had said: “I want to tell them give it a try. Let’s give it a try, that’s what I’m asking for. … This is a pilot project. I get that some people are against it. I think working with the (public consultation bureau) we are sending a strong message that we are willing to hear what people have to say, not only about the pilot project itself but also about their vision for the mountain.”

    And I have said the same thing to several of my friends, “let’s give it a try and see what happens”, in defence of our new mayor, who I know is giving it her best shot and I wholeheartedly want to support her. (And especially since I know that a female mayor is a more accessible target for criticism.) But I am now stunned that I have now ignored, unbelievably, my “goto” place; for inspiration, for solace, for just that spontaneous scenic drive that just seems to do the trick in giving simple pleasure. It’s just having a nice accessibility of a momentary escape, a momentary nature quest, a momentary feeling of thankfulness …but now I know that I can’t come out on the other side. So I don’t go. Driving up and turning around at the mid-point is not picturesque but feels very regimented. It is now an outing that requires planning and parking.

    A cyclist has died, as he hit a car making an unlawful U-turn across a double yellow line, down this mountain road. But not by a Montrealer, by a California tourist whose driving negligence resulted in breaking 2 road laws: crossing over a double yellow line and making an illegal U-turn. Mayor Valérie Plante said “ …the fact remains that a cyclist died. That’s why we have a pilot project (on Camillien-Houde) and we are looking at other ways to prevent dangerous manoeuvres. We are looking at everything to ensure safety.”

    Being an avid cyclist, (I have a bicycle rack on the hitch of my car from spring to fall), I know that I have to heed the same traffic laws as automobiles. I could cycle down this mountain road today, (with the pilot project in effect), effortlessly picking up speed beyond 40 km or 50 km an hour, the posted speed limit, and I don’t expect to get a traffic violation for exceeding the speed limit. But I don’t want to go that fast because I worry that something may go wrong at that speed, perhaps a hiker has thrown his walking stick across my path, or a California tourist has decided to break 2 traffic violations simultaneously in making an illegal U-turn over a double yellow line. And today I could die on my bike on this mountain road even within the pilot project.

    So now I ask you, why are you narrow mindedly concentrating on the 1 death of a cyclist, who was not killed by any citizen of Montreal seeking the pleasures of Mt. Royal, but by one California tourist who did not abide by the international rules of the road, and who most probably will never use these mountain roads again? There have been other deaths on the mountain by hikers and walkers who have not heeded other guidelines around this diverse terrain. So why are you choosing to punish those Montrealers who do not have the youth and stamina to be exhilarated by cycling the full height of the mountain road? Everyone wants to be exhilarated by this beautiful treasure that we have: walkers, hikers, drivers, and cyclists.

    Les Amis de la Montaigne is such a respectable organization whose primary modus operandi is to protect this mountain. They have laid out their 10 step proposal on their view of protecting this mountain. They have been around longer than any mayoral’s term in office.

  4. Louise Baillargeon
    Tout d'abord, je suis tout à fait contre la fermeture du Chemin Camilien-Houde.

    1- LES DOS D'ANE -Tellement facile à installer au centre du chemin, sans entraver les côtés et les garder libres pour les vélos.

    2- LES RADARS- Avez-vous vu comment les automobilistes réduisent leur vitesse sur Côte-des-Neiges avant d'arriver à Atwater ? Ca marche !

    Nous sommes privés de notre montagne, ce projet de fermeture permanente ne rime à rien et le stationnement nous fait tourner en queue de poisson.
    Ou aller à Montréal pour s'imprégner des bourgeons au printemps, vivre l'été et admirer les coloris de notre été indien, sinon sur la montagne, mais pas coupée en deux !

    Souvenez-vous du maire Coderre et de ses troncs de granite et de sa Formule1 électrique ........
  5. Judith Stewart
    Please do not make it too groomed and full of stuff. Rather it should remain a bit wild.
  6. Line Bonneau
    Je suis allergique aux traces humaines de toutes sortes sur la montagne. Il y en a suffisamment! D’autant plus qu’on a rajouté des blocs de granit en 2017! La montagne c’est la nature. Une nature fragile. Les humains sont des visiteurs. Je m’élève contre une appropriation encore plus grande du lieu comme si on devait faire du mont Royal un terrain de jeux encore plus grand ou un endroit avec encore plus de réjouissances (café, bar, etc.).
  7. Eric LeMoyne
    L'achalandage sur la montagne témoigne déjà de son attrait.
  8. Remi Alaurent
    Attention aux idées parfois farfelues ou découlant de modes, par nature éphémères. Agir dans une perspective à très long terme.

    Mettre les accès en valeur par une meilleure signalisation serait bien utile, les accès ne sont pas tous évidents. Et les plans affichés sont rares. Aménager des portails en pierre, préférablement de style « monument» serait une idée intéressante.
  9. Joanne Laflamme
    I paid taxes my entire adult life, and not having access from West to east prevented me from enjoying Cote des Neiges cemetery & then exiting Remembrance Rd. to access Mt. Royal cemetery & then again exit Remembrance rd. to go east across the mountain to enjoy my favourite restaurants in Le Plateau & Little Italy. I tied once to exit by Cote des Neiges & then drive to le Plateau. It took me 1 hr. 15 minutes because Pine/Dr. Penfield was blocked. It would have taken me 15 minutes at 30 km & I would have enjoyedd the leisure drive. I detoured by Sherbrooke which was bumper to bumper traffic. I never tried again. So my favourite restaurants in le Plateau & Little Italy did not see me all summer. They lost my business because of the blocked mountain road. I also did not go to Beaver lake because there was no room in the parking lot. I missed all the above the entire summer. This is removing our rights as citizens and unacceptable. There are many ways to ensure safety. Lower speed limits, radar cameras, install barriers to protect bike paths. DO NOT RESTRICT ACCESS TO THE MOUNTAIN AND CEMETERIES. Do not divide the city in two.

    J. Laflamme, Lasalle
  10. Aline Manson
    Améliorer la visibilité et la signalisation des sentiers, installer des cartes aux entrées du parc et des sentiers.
  11. Joelle Raymond
    Toucher le moins possible au parc, laissez le dans son état naturel
  12. Agnès Renoux
    Excellentes idées. Tous les touristes ou presque visitent le Mont-Royal et la plupart à pied à partir du centre-ville. Un circuit organisé par la ville qui faciliterait les promenades au travers de la ville avec des itinéraires qui pourraient converger vers les portes d'accès du Mont-Royal. Il pourrait être possible de ressortir par une autre porte d'accès sans se perdre ou d'aller prendre le bus qui traverse le parc pour rejoindre un métro.

    En terme de patrimoine, il ne faudrait pas oublier que le concepteur du parc ne voulait pas de transit de véhicules. Il serait important de respecter son oeuvre.
  13. Josée Saint-Denis
    Rappeler l’histoire de la croix hissée par Maisonneuve sur le Mont Royal et plantée par lui...
    Par ailleurs serait-il possible de la mettre davantage en valeur ? Une fois sur la montagne, on la voit très peu et on n’y a pas accès.
    Et rappeler l’histoire du Lac aux Castors, de la Maison Smith, etc.

    Y aurait-il lieu de créer un kiosque d'information quelque part, où l'on vanterait les beautés du Mont Royal, mais où l'on en profiterait également pour parler «écologie» et rappeler l'importance de la bonne cohabitation de tous les usagers de la route qui traverse la montagne...

  14. Francine Couillard
    Pourquoi pas des concours de poésie, de nouvelles, ayant pour thème le site de la Montagne .Concours annuel pour adultes et aussi pour enfants des écoles de Montréal.

    La Montagne est sous-utilisée comme instrument de stimulation artistique pour les résidents de la ville.
    Elle devrait être un lieu de rencontre pour les artiste et les créateurs de tout acabit et non seulement pour les sportifs.

  15. Michel Préville

    Concernant le paysage, il faudrait sérieusement envisager le démantèlement de toutes les tours de télécommunication qui déparent le parc du mont Royal, au fur et à mesure de l'expiration des baux et/ou contrats.

    Je doute que la Ville de Montréal y trouve vraiment son compte sur le plan des revenus que ces tours engendrent.